Posted in Life blog

Tissues, tea and snuggles

So the dreaded cold has taken over my household this weekend. To top it off we’ve all caught it and so it’s been a pretty miserable couple of days. I can’t think of anything worse than a cold. The constant sniffing and blowing your nose, and the feeling like your head is stuffed with cotton wool.

It all started with the little bear having a sniffly nose on Friday and by Sunday the three of us were sat on the couch in our pj’s feeling sorry for ourselves. On the plus side, it was a good excuse to not get dressed for 2 days, and a chance to watch movies all day as a family. Our movie of choice was Coco and for anyone who hasn’t seen it, I would recommend you watch it. It was a real feel-good film. It even made me cry.

I wouldn’t like to imagine what it’s like being ill as a toddler. It’s bad enough as an adult who understands what’s going on, but for a little bear who one minute is fine and the next has a blocked nose with weird things dribbling out of it, it must be scary. But little bear has dealt with it so well and carried on being her normal happy self. Apart from 2 nights of rough sleep, which has hit me hard, we seem to be back to normal now.

Sleepless nights are something I have never really had to deal with as little bear has always been a good sleeper. If anything this makes it 10x harder when we do have bad nights because my body just isn’t used to it. But I can’t complain because I managed to get some extra cuddles while she slept and I don’t get them any more. Another downside to little bear growing up. She depends on me less and less.

Seeing your little bear suffer though does break your heart and it’s something you wish you could take away. Even if it something as little as a cold, I’m sure if you’ve ever had one you will know how draining they are. That’s why extra cuddles are readily available and who doesn’s want their mama when they aren’t well. I still do.

On a positive note, the diet I started 2 weeks ago is still going well. I managed to lose 4lb in my first week and another 2lb this week taking me to 6lb overall. Who says a cold has to stop you eating well. That’s not to say I haven’t indulged because I would be lying if I said I haven’t scoffed chocolate, but the main thing is I’ve owned up to it and know where I have gone wrong. Eating a load of rubbish comes with being ill so it’s not my fault really, and today is the start of a new week for my diet.

If anything being a parent has taught me is that you get used to having all sorts of random gunk on your clothes from slobber to snot. It’s something you kinda get used to and nothing really bothers me anymore, just comes part and parcel of the job.

But we’re back on the up now and back to the reality of work and adult responsibilities of cleaning and cooking and keeping the house running. At least I’ve got no cleaning to do till the end of the week, and I managed to get the washing done over the weekend.

It can’t just be me that hates washing and folding everything up. Surely?


Twitter Handle - Just_ClaireR

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