Posted in Life blog

When did you get so big?​

I really need to get back into the habit of writing on here more often because I seem to have dropped off.  I feel that it might be down to my lack of motivation at the minute thanks to this never-ending job hunt. I have taken a very proactive approach to job hunting, with very little luck, even after plenty of interviews. My family are nothing but supportive telling me something will come along, I just need to believe them.

Moving on from my career adventure, I just want to take a moment to just say how is my little bear nearly 2!! It only seems like 5 minutes ago that I was coming home from the hospital with her, with the big plan on how to be the best parent. Being truly honest, half the stuff I said I wouldn’t do, I probably have done at least once. You could say parenting is done best when you wing it. As long as they are fed and happy then I can’t see much wrong with that.

Now she is nearly 2, we have entered a whole new world of tantrums, meltdowns and the apparent transformation into a parrot repeating everything we say. Her little brain is like a sponge at the minute. Trying to figure out what she is trying to say is possibly the hardest job ever, especially when she says it with so much effort, and I’m just stood there looking at her blankly. Maybe I should start a career in being a toddler translator.

Some of the things we have meltdowns over could be used as material by comedians. It’s no wonder they talk about their kids so much. They are pure comedy gold. It can be caused by anything such as mummy giving her the wrong coloured plate with her lunch on to the simple fact I put the wrong episode of Thomas the Tank on or even the wrong program altogether. You kind of just take a step back and chuckle while pure hell unfolds in front of you. It’s such a hard life.

There are good times though. There is something amazing about watching them grow and take everything in and become so independent. How they can change so much in such a short space of time is just incredible. Over the last couple of weeks, little bears speech has come on so much. To think I was starting to think she would never talk, she now doesn’t stop, but I wouldn’t change it for the world.

Everyday is a new challenge for me and little bear because she now wants to be so independent, and it’s hard to feel like your slowly not being needed for little things that you used to do for her. Just simple things like cuddling her to sleep on the couch watching rubbish on the tv now happens once in a blue moon and I just hold her that little bit tighter when it does. I’ve learnt to treasure these moments because they really don’t stay little for long. Can I just add it’s a rare occasion that she goes asleep in the day at all, nevermind a sleepy cuddle!

Unfortunately, unlike my career, there is nothing I can do about little bear growing up. I just have to take everyday as it comes and treasure every moment. But on the career front, maybe if I put the effort in I could blog for a living. Possibly by reviewing products or blogging about common interests. Always something I could look into.

On that note, if there is anything in particular you guys would like to see or like me to write about then let me know and I will do my best.



Twitter Handle - Just_ClaireR

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